Update from Suresh 7-30-19

Dear Church Family,
                              Greetings to you in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are very happy to tell you that we gathered 12 members on last Sunday (07/28/2019), the fourth successful Sunday. Today I paid Rs.9, 00,000 ($13235.30) as an advance to buy a site close to my house. We have to pay Rs. 29,57,000 ($ 43485.30) at the end of September 2019. We are very happy to announce that God will give us this wonderful land for worship and execute the operations in a mighty way. The people are showing a lot of interest to join with us instead of gathering in house because of different religions around my house. A new family joined last Sunday. My family is very happy to serve the people in glorifying HIM.  My family says best wishes to everybody in the church. Please continue to pray for Marion Baptist Church India, International to take its physical construction to bear much fruit.

Yours brother in Christ
Suresh Dasari.
Pastor, Marion Baptist Church India, International.